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In order to survive and thrive in this ever-changing era, in which changes are increasingly rapid and unpredictable, companies need, as never before, an agile organization to create value and foster collaboration and innovation, in a rapid, scalable and impactful way.

The biggest challenge for this transformation is cultural, and in this context, the role of the leader, her way of being a leader and his personal growth become crucial for companies to be in step with the times. In fact, it is demonstrated that organizations which invest in their leaders’ development, during important transformations like this one, are 2.4 times more effective in achieving their business objectives (source Leading agile transformation: The new capabilities leaders need to build 21° century organizations, 2018 McKinsey).

Today a new type of leadership is required: the leader can no longer just plan, control and direct, but his/her is called to become a guide, a coach, a “gardener”, a real catalyst that fosters and nourishes growth, versatility and creativity of his/her own organization, that is a source of inspiration and a point of reference for all company stakeholders, ranging from employees to customers, partners and investors.

Our work consists of supporting leaders and teams:

  1. change their mind-set and dysfunctional behaviors, in order to move from a reactive state to a creative state that expands their vision and allows them to experiment with new models of collaboration
  2. establish teams in which diversity, connection and autonomy are valued; all of which are indispensable qualities to foster a shared vision, a common commitment, an adequate accountability to a scenario that is no longer stable and predictable in the long run
  3. define a purpose that is a source of inspiration and a point of reference for the whole organization and favors its cultural change.

Having identified the objectives to be achieved and both the visible and not visible obstacles to change, we work with the companies to identify the most appropriate program among the different ones we have in the works.